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Images of the Inside
When I see a person, I am feeling a detailed vibrational landscape across them. I am feeling this from a distance, without touching. It is like closing your eyes and holding a hand over candles and icecubes, to feel the pattern of a temperature landscape in your mind. What I am feeling does not feel like temperature, it feels like variations in frequencies, or intensities. Almost like the way one can tell apart different sound frequencies by the intensity of their pitch, only that it is not sound either.
The vibrations that I am feeling build up a landscape pattern that is felt. It is a three-dimensional shape, that has hills and valleys kind of like a wave signal on an oscilloscope. So based on feeling the felt variations across the landscape, I begin to start to see this landscape mapped out by variations in felt vibration.
The vibrational landscape next turns into atoms. I see each chemical element (different types of atoms) as its own unique size, color, and feeling. Nitrogen is a neon green, hydrogen is red, carbon black, potassium blue, sulfur ranges across orange and red. Areas with a "bump" in the vibrational landscape might have an atom that takes shape. My mind automatically converts the felt landscape into corresponding atoms, and from a colorless vibrational landscape, the colors and shapes of atoms start to take shape. The vibrational landscape that was felt, is becoming felt and visual.
Atoms near one another connect on their own into molecules. I can feel which belong together, and they wrap around one another in clusters, based on how the vibrations merge or avoid one another. Molecules themselves get a composite feeling to them. Molecules build up into substances. At some point building upwards I come across body material, cells, tissue, and later organs and organ systems. Not everything is distinctly grouped, I will often experience separate parts of the body in one perception.
Sometimes a medical perception occurs as a visual image in my mind, without cognitively going through the steps leading up from vibration. Most of the time the images are in my mind, but on a few occasions they occur as holograms in or next to the person from which they came.
The medical perception is mostly visual and felt, sometimes more of one or the other. The feeling is a feeling of the vibrational structure of what I am seeing. But sometimes I experience a tactile feeling, one as if I were touching the tissue with my hand. I have had images of muscle for instance, and experienced feeling it as if I were touching it. Sometimes there is a scent associated with the image, as with muscle. Most of the time when I take a close look inside the liver, I encounter a very nasty pungent odor that smells horrible. The best way I could try to explain the smell is that it smells like rusty metals. Sometimes the stomach organ has the smell of stomach acid, which is a mixture of the smell of hydrochloric acid and some types of sausage. As a chemistry student I later got to encounter a bottle of high concentration hydrochloric acid (stomach acid) and it had the same distinct salty smell as what I experience from the stomach.
The brain often smells like five-carbon sugars, like ribose sugar, a sweet scent. Which is a very different smell than that of six-carbon sugars such as glucose or fructose. The brain also smells like a damp forest floor covered in moss and mushrooms. You might ask whether I smell the intestines, and surprisingly I never have. But the liver, stomach, and brain are the smelliest parts of the body to my medical dowsing experience.
On occasion I experience taste with my medical perception. Most notably if I sense that a person has too much salt in their body I will be tasting the bitter metallic of sodium. Sometimes when I am looking at muscle, I am experiencing a taste. It is difficult to describe that taste by comparison to other familiar ones. It does include the taste of blood but mostly a kind of mild dull taste.
Rarely I experience hearing sounds with my perceptions. The most typical and also loudest sound I have heard in my perceptions is the sound of red blood cells as they bump against the wall of a blood vessel and scrape against it as they tumble forward in the blood stream. It is the sound of moving your hand across a sheet of paper, but louder and sharper.
I feel the texture of tissues, the density and firmness of organs (liver and kidneys feel firm almost as if their contents were bigger than the outer encasing, and I feel that this helps to support the organ function by applying a constant pressure that helps with the circulation across these organs through which a lot of fluid passes) and temperature. I can feel the pain and discomfort that others have. I am also perceptive on picking up a person's mental and emotional experience.
I can see, feel, and actually taste what a person has eaten. This is easiest to do in the first part of the small intestine rather than in the stomach which would just taste of stomach acid. In the small intestine, the food has digested into smaller building blocks. Proteins for instance occur as amino acids, which are little molecules with their own distinct feelings and tastes.
The images are always in actual color of tissue. Much of the body is pink, red and orange on the inside. A dark red often indicates inflammation and nutritional deficiencies. The more orange I see in tissue, the healthier the body. For instance a healthy heart has orange fat around it. Hearts that don't, are more likely to have a feeling of pain and health problems. Although the inside of the body is dark due to the lack of daylight illuminating it and a light source is attached to optical instruments that are inserted into the body in medicine, I actually see the body well-lit.
Many of the things I've accurately described should not be detectable to the outside by use of ordinary senses of perception. I have detected uterine cysts, that a skull had been broken and how it had been broken (the site of fracture concealed by hair). That a kidney is missing. And many more.
I experience the medical dowsing as a feeling of small-scale vibration or wave patterns that make up the atoms, and these patterns construct the larger-scale images of tissues and organs. This vibrational information travels across distance and I never touch the person for a reading.
Spontaneous Perceptions, and Dowsing
Medical perceptions either come up on their own or I take the time to have them take shape. The spontaneous ones occur when a person walks by from whom I experience either a very serious illness, or something that is unusual. A severe case of uterine cysts, or heart problems, are some of what are serious and capture my attention in a bright and loud image and perception simply because they have the feeling of severe illness across them. Other times there is something strange and unusual and it captures my attention, such as parasites, bacteria, viruses, and infection, or something that just doesn't feel right structurally such as an abnormality. For instance I was sitting on the bus once and a stream of people were passing by me to take their seat at the back of the bus. I was seeing their abdomen's as they walked by, and one person's internal anatomy struck me as tremendously odd. I looked up and saw that it was a person with Down's Syndrome. They have the most interesting liver and tissues.
I can also choose to take the time to feel into a person to form perceptions, actively searching for information. Such "dowsing" tends to consist of information that is more felt, than visual, whereas spontaneous perception tends to be more visual than felt.
A health condition will show up in its most relevant level of magnification, sometimes showing more than one area of the body at once if distinct places are connected to the disease, and is seen from many levels of magnification at once sometimes, and from many angles at the same time.
I sense something similar to "weight", which corresponds to the "amount" of a substance in the body. If I am feeling for vitamin A in the body, the collective of its vibration across the body adds to its "weight" which tells the amount of vitamin A in the body. Checking for the balance across its weight tells if a person has a deficiency, too much, or about the right amount of vitamin A. Most people I see feel like they have a vitamin A deficiency, especially men. I don't think an average Western diet provides with sufficient amounts of vitamin A without a supplement. But those are just my perceptions.
The medical perceptions are not just images. What I am seeing is a live moving video depicting the insides of the body. I see the blood flow, or heart beat, contractions and movement in organs and tissue, movement of cells and molecules.
How I Do a Reading
When I choose to do "medical dowsing" I bring my attention from other things and focus it on feeling the vibrational landscape which is always there. Normally my attention is on other things and I would notice a medical perception in a person only if they are the "spontaneous" ones depicting something that is either a serious health condition or something unusual. For dowsing, I can either construct the image of specific information and search in a person to see if there is a vibrational match. I will know the feeling of a particular condition or structure, and apply that over the composite vibrational landscape of the person to see if there is resonance indicating a match. When there is resonance, the felt vibration of the person and of the structure I am searching for, attract to one another like two magnets, and they blend together nicely. That is how I can search for specific things.
I can also do what I call a head-to-toe reading, where I start by feeling into various areas of the head to build images and see what might be wrong there. I continue downward until I reach the legs and feet. A head-to-toe reading takes a lot of time, about 30 minutes to an hour and I will often deliberately choose to skip dowsing into areas simply because there is too much to go through in the body. If I skip reading a part of the body, I will write in my notes what areas I deliberately skipped, so that if any medical condition was known to be in those areas, it cannot be counted against me that I would have missed it because I did not look there.
I know when something is a health problem because the structure describing it feels out of balance. An area of illness lacks the smooth balanced shapes in the landscape of vibration. How do I know how to describe a medical condition? Often of course I do not know the names of diagnoses, but I can describe that parts of the body are involved and affected, and what the condition does and does not do to the body's functioning. Recall, that I only read skeptics and only for investigation purposes to learn more about my medical dowsing experience, such as how accurate it is.
When I do a reading often I take a look at the person and then choose to either look away or close my eyes, to let the felt pattern take shape into pictures in my mind in color, shape and structure, forming images of human tissue.
Picture published with permission from artist.