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I do not practice my paranormal claim. I do not do "psychic readings", and so I rarely come across the opportunity to experience my claim of health perceptions. As part of the lengthy one-year study, I did arrange together with the FACT skeptics a larger-scale study involving readings done on five members of the public. This was not a test, rather the purpose was for me to learn more about my claim in order to use that knowledge in the design of a future test. This first larger-scale study took place on Saturday April 4 2009 with five members of the FACT skeptics of North Carolina.
Survey - Study - Test
Objectives of this Study
The study is not a test Based on the accuracy demonstrated in this study, this study could have concluded on the claim as falsified and terminated this paranormal investigation, or this study could have concluded that this claim was not falsified and that further studies and tests were allowed. However, no matter how accurate my perceptions would have been on this study, this study could not under any circumstances have provided evidence in favor of the claim because proper testing procedures were not in place.
Ensuring the safety and privacy of the volunteers
One of the more serious difficulties I came across during design of the study procedure was that those who volunteer to have a reading would have to provide their personal health information in order for the correlation to be checked. Not only might a person find that difficult to agree with, but it might also involve some legal and ethical concerns in asking them to do so. Jim Carr, aka UncaYimmy, who posts in the JREF Forum and is the author of the stopvisionfromfeeling.com website solved the problem. (This instance is notoriously the reason why I called him a Brilliant Skeptic, and he loves quoting that fact! He is entitled to the admiration, this was a significant problem and had it not been solved, the study could not have taken place.)
Jim Carr is a very intelligent, but regrettably too hot-headed, person. He is a rare combination of being both a brilliant skeptic who has put me through some very unyielding aggressive skeptical interrogations and put me in my place a few times, but at the same time being most polite, friendly, and just wonderful to work with throughout. (He has since changed and become rather unpleasant.) He used to have a rare talent of staying on-topic in the JREF discussions thread and great problem-solving skills in this tricky paranormal claim. He has dedicated a great deal of time, work, and thought into my investigation and has brought to it plenty of progress but recently also plenty of distractions. If we discover an ESP ability he will have to be remembered as one of the persons who made a great deal of invaluable contribution toward its discovery, unless his recent and future behavior negates that. The study procedure that I designed for the study was based in part on UncaYimmy's suggestions, although I have made significant changes to his suggestions to adapt the procedure to the specifics of this study.
Read about UncaYimmy's study protocol suggestion as it was written, on JREF posts #983 and #991. I have borrowed concepts from those posts in my study design.
UncaYimmy wanted me to emphasize that he does not support my claim and that he is not working with me. He does not want his name to be associated with the study procedure that I have designed. However I choose to continue giving him recognition for the contributions he was responsible for since it was his advice that allowed a study design that allows the volunteers to remain perfectly anonymous with regard to their health information as well as to ensure that the volunteers do not find out about what I saw in them, so I continue referring to him as "Brilliant" for this reason, even though he kindly declines the honor.
First Study Procedure
Four of the five participants are Skeptics which is why I consider them to be most suitable to work with me on the study, and the fifth was a friend of one of the others. Even though I've spent some time with the four a few times in the past, I trust that they are reliable and objective as participants and observers.
For each round, participant # 2 takes out one set of papers and detaches from it the volunteer's form and hands this to participant # 1. A volunteer fills in their form and this form then stays with participant # 1. Participant # 2 brings the volunteer to the second location where the claimant and the three controls are waiting. Participant # 2 detaches and hands out the claimant's form and control's forms and tells them how many minutes the volunteer has selected.
The volunteer sits down and is seen from behind. There is no speaking during the time of the reading. Participant # 2 can take notes on how the study takes place and any comments. Participant # 2 collects the forms when time is up and keeps these. The process is repeated for additional rounds. The claimant and participants will mutually agree on when to end the study. After the study, participant # 1 holds on to the volunteer's questionnaires and participant # 2 holds on to all the other papers. Participant # 1 and # 2 are not allowed to compare the results before everyone is present to do that together. The papers can be matched together again based on their identification numbers. Participant # 1 and # 2 arrange for copies of the material and it can then be returned to the claimant who will publish the results. (Copies have been given to me long ago and I have yet to scan each of these and make them available here! I will do so I promise! Not earlier than December 2010 because I am out of the country and the papers are not with me at the moment!)
For this study, I had prepared twenty sets of paperwork. Each set contained one volunteer's questionnaire, one claimant's questionnaire, three copies of controls' questionnaires numbered 1, 2 and 3 to distinguish them from another and to identify each to its author, and the sheet for notes. These papers were all stapled together in the top right margin into sets. One set of papers was taken out one at a time for each reading. So the paperwork was very organized. Participant # 2 detaches the volunteer's questionnaire and hands it to participant # 1 whose assignment is to approach the public to ask for volunteers. Once a volunteer's questionnaire is filled in it remains with participant # 1. Participant # 2 then gives the claimant and the three controls each of their questionnaires from that same set of papers: once these are filled in these remain with participant # 2. This way the volunteer's questionnaires remain aside from the questionnaires of the volunteer and controls, so that no one should know the results until the papers are brought together.
The Documents used
First Study Claimant's Health Questionnaire April 4 2009 - the claimant's health questionnaire format that was used by me, the claimant. It has the exact same health questionnaire as the volunteers have, and the same identification number printed in the top margin as had that volunteer's questionnaire so that these two can be matched together after the study as describing the same volunteer. Also on the claimant's form, the first page does not contain the information but instead free space for me to write down my impressions. If I strongly detect an additional ailment that is not listed in the questionnaire I can write it in the box on the bottom of the page and it is then up to one of the participants to decide whether to ask the volunteer about that health information. In this first study I detected something extra in three out of I think five readings and the volunteers were each asked about all three and all were confirmed. So that is the claimant's questionnaire. (Again, I apologize for the strange display of the document in this online version. The second page is of course not blank but has the first page of the health questions. I need to find a way to post links to Word documents instead.)
First Study Controls' Health Questionnaire April 4 2009 - the questionnaire format that was used by each of the three controls in the study. For each individual reading, their questionnaires also had the same identification number printed in the top margin, as had both the claimant and the volunteer. (Again I apologize for the strange formatting shown in the online version of the document.) I had not included a box for additional ailments for the controls as was in the claimant's questionnaire, *me thinking that they couldn't possibly be doing what I do*. But during the study I told the controls that they were welcome to make use of the same option if they wish, just that I had not expected them to detect additional things. The controls must have every same options as the claimant, since that is the whole point.
First Study Participant's Notes April 4 2009 - I also provided this sheet for each reading on which one of the participants in the study could take notes on how the study takes place and other observations that could be included in the data collected for the study. These also had the same identification number as the other documents that are used for one particular reading.
*The "descriptions" part at the very end is also removed. One of the two Skeptics I did a reading with at the March meeting filled in this part and I found that I did not even read it. My feeling was that I wanted to trust the checkbox format in their questionnaires and in mine and I did not want to be influenced in any way by the descriptions part, and that a description would not contribute to what is already learned in the checkbox questions above. I had intended the "descriptions" part for educational purposes again, just to see if my description would correlate with their description, but this is just unnecessary material, it does not contribute to the study in any way I feel. The "description" part would have been removed in later studies and would also not be part of the test, so its removal is also an additional step toward a real test protocol. Yay to that.
*The questionnaire will ask whether the volunteer can offer 5 minutes, 10 minutes, or 15 minutes for the reading. I couldn't possibly ask for more time than 15 minutes. I might like to, but I need to weigh in other people's needs besides just my own into the study.
*The questionnaire is compressed from four pages of questions to only two, although to do that the first page has two columns of questions. In order to have an even two pages some of the questions I had in mind are removed: stomach, lungs, digestive system, low oxygen uptake (and seriously, how would this be defined?), hands or feet get cold due to low blood circulation. "Numbness, loss of sensation" and "Which body part becomes numb:" are removed. They are too undefined and also to free space for other questions.
*"Phlegm in respiratory system or lungs" is changed to "Phlegm in lungs" to be more specific.
*"Do you smoke (when last)" with "current | within a week ago | longer ago" " is changed to "Do you smoke cigarettes,how often" with "every day | few times a week | more seldomly". I need to specify that I am asking for the use of nicotine products and not marijuana! These produce very different perception that I sense in the person. Nicotine feels among other things like dry mouth, dry eyes and contraction in blood vessels underneath eyes, contracted and cramped and somewhat painful blood vessels overall in the body whereas from marijuana I see the extra and different type of fat tissue that the body has made which, according to my perception, is placed to wrap around the nerves that are affected from the drug, and other symptoms that I detect. In my study, I am only asking for the use of nicotine and not other drugs, so that needs to be specified, just in case and to avoid error in the results of the study. (Ps. I don't use any drugs. In case anyone is wondering. And my perceptions are not drug induced.) By the way check this out too, at the bottom of that page. Note: Neither me or my website consents the use of drugs.
*"Upper back" muscle problems was mentioned twice in the previous version of the questionnaire, once together with "Shoulders/Shoulderblades/Upper back" and once again on its own. Oops. That is now corrected.
*If I detect something that is not on the questionnaire, a new ailment, such as when I detected menstruation but that wasn't on the list, this will be accounted for on the claimant's health questionnaire and I would suggest that in such cases a participant (not the claimant and not any of the controls) asks the volunteer regarding that specific ailment. Of course, some volunteers might like to agree just to be nice, but at least it provides with some sort of feedback about those extra ailments. If the credibility of such material is inadequate, it can be disregarded entirely in the calculation of points and the calculation of correlation, but still I'd like to know, for learning purposes.
*I am adding more questions that relate to internal organs: stomach, and digestive system. Am also adding Menstruation/Period. It is perhaps personal, but the questionnaires are anonymous.
*The question about "exercise" is removed, even if reluctantly. It just wouldn't do much for the study or tests, because it is hard to define what exactly I am asking for that would lead to the significantly improved heart and lungs, and then how would we confirm this? Unless the test will end up involving screens then I might be able to detect who is an athlete, and what type of athlete! So I will keep this in mind, if a screen will be used.
*"Gall stones" is removed from the questionnaires also. Because I might sense that there are some, but a person hasn't sensed them. And how would we be confirming that a person has them? It would only work in severe cases, and it is already sounding too complicated. I am sure there are other ailments that can be used on the study and tests so this one can be let go of.
*"Cough" is removed. And add something asking about the health of the eyes.
*And a reminder for me to stop being hesitant, modest, and to stop letting logic and thoughts get in the way! I've ruined plenty readings in the past when I let my logic get in the way. My logic and the health perceptions are two entirely separate entities. And once again I confirm for myself that the health perceptions are not based on the same as what my thoughts or guesses would be. It is an entity all of its own. Logic and the perceptions reach to different answers (and the perceptions always do better too!)
Early drafts of the health questionnaire for the study, these versions were also not used:
The volunteers' questionnaire has an information page that explains the study and how they take part in it. Here is an old version, that was never used: Sign - never used I used to ask for suggestions Attempt at arranging the study at a Mall Attempt at arranging the study in a park The study takes place in the city
This is the study procedure that would have been used, but never was:
I had intended for the study to take place as soon as possible but came across several disappointing set-backs. I was unable to obtain a permit to conduct the study at a Mall or in a public park. I suspected that this was due to the controversial subject of the study so I changed into a different approach. Instead of referring to this as a paranormal investigation into possible extrasensory perception of health information I now call it a psychology investigation into what health information can be deduced from external symptoms and just looking at a person and how much of that information is accurate, and that is how it ended up being done in the first larger-scale study that was held in April 2009. The study procedure was very much the same and was carried out in the same way. Only the name and the way it was introduced were different. And I think it is perfectly fine to do so, because anything paranormal has not been formally established yet.
This new approach led me to contact a Psychology professor in February 2009, and introduce my ability and investigation to her. I asked her for two or more undergraduate or graduate Psychology students to assist me in my study of my experience of medical perception. I was told that my experience is very reminiscent of synesthesia, and that my next approach should be to look into synesthesia so that I can learn how such a study takes place. I have done some of this reading up on synesthesia and the research methods applied to it, but I must admit that I am at the same time very anxious to proceed with the study quickly whether I am fully qualified as a researcher yet or not while I do the reading at the same time. While I take her advice, I don't want to let it delay real progress and results in my investigation.
The reason the FACT Skeptics were reluctant to have the study with me last, was because a definite point scale system that would set a specific score at which the claim could be falsified, had not been designed. The problem is that the study is not a test. I am simply hoping that a non-ability would be "clear enough" on the study-stage and realize that a non-ability might pass through toward further studies or tests but would be caught eventually. The purpose of the first study was to learn more about the experience in order to form a more workable paranormal claim around which a real test can be designed. While I wait for the data from the first study to be returned to me I am already designing a second study and it might be the one that is able to verify, or verify or falsify, this paranormal claim. But to do so takes away from the educational value of the study.
The FACT Skeptics were reluctant to participate in my study, thinking that if there is apparent correlation between my medical perceptions and with actual health information of persons I could claim to have had a test with the FACT Skeptics and to have passed the test. Which is concerning since the study does not (yet) take place under proper test conditions and can not provide evidence in favor of the claim that is under investigation. I have consistently stated that since the study does not take place under proper test conditions it can not provide evidence in favor of the claim, but, regardless of my intentions, they express a valid concern.
I received permission and a location for the study to take place in the city of Winston Salem. I spoke with the city management and this time I presented it as a survey about what health problems can be identified externally by looking at a person, rather than as a paranormal investigation, because, at this point that is all it is. It took less than two hours to receive an answer. More about this on this JREF post.
In early March 2009 I had asked two of the three organizers of the FACT group again whether those members who had expressed interest in participating in the study with me could do so and they decided to allow it after all. I promised to write a waiver that clearly states that the study is not a test and that it can not provide evidence in favor of the claimed ability of medical perception, and that the study is entirely designed by me and is not endorsed by the FACT Skeptics Group. Here is the waiver posted for everyone to see. It should verify my honest intentions and avoid any concern of future issues regarding this. As you know, traditionally paranormal psychic claimants can be quite tricky, and luckily I'm not one of those!
Here is another study procedure I had typed hoping to have the study in March:
Before beginning the study we arrived at the location where it would be held and I decided to have a practice run for everybody in which I was the volunteer and the three controls could experience what it is like to work with the questionnaires, and the participant who would handle our questionnaires could act as the claimant in this round. And after this reading I let them see my filled in questionnaire so that they could see what kind of correlation they acchieved.
This study procedure included there being a blank first page for each of my questionnaires where I could take notes on my perceptions and it also had a box in which I could write any health information that is not listed in the questionnaire and that I strongly believed that the volunteer had so that it would then be up to a participant in the study to decide whether to ask the volunteer about this extra information. In three of the I think five volunteers I perceived something extra that the volunteer was then asked about, and after each I had asked the participant whether I was right or not, and all three had been verified.
I spoke with the three controls between the readings and occasionally we compared what each of us had just perceived or guessed about the volunteer's health, and some of what we had put down were the same. It would be very interesting if the controls' answers are very similar to mine and if our correlations are close, because I do acknowledge that a possible conclusion about my health perceptions is that I would be unintentionally detecting external clues that are translated into visual and felt images in my mind. It remains for this investigation to find out.
Some of the reasons why I liked this study were: All volunteers were people I had never seen or met before. We did our best to assure that the volunteers were seen from behind and without eyecontact or seeing their face. I found that I was very good at keeping the time limit that the volunteers had chosen, even if it meant not checking for all the questions that were listed on the questionnaires every time. Persons other than me handled the volunteers' questionnaires. My questionnaires were handed in to a participant of the study after each reading. There were three controls who were encouraged to do their best in cold reading, guessing and demographics to try to outdo me. These are just some of the things I appreciate about this first study. The second study if it takes place, will be even better.
Participants of the study have made photocopies of all the papers and I have a stack of more than 100 pages. I will provide scanned copies of all pages here as soon as I can manage such that the results of this study can be seen.
Me and two out of three controls ended up with almost identical total correlations in the study. It could suggest that my medical perceptions are based on automatic and unintentional cold reading, however only a future test can provide a final conclusion as to my medical perceptions. I emphasize again that I am not against reaching a final conclusion that my perceptions would be due to automatic cold reading and synesthesia, but we are not at the stage of final conclusions yet.
Conspiracies! Also note, that unlike what is implied at stopvisionfromfeeling.com, the study was not a test and I did not fail a test. The study was for me to try out test procedures and was not designed to conclude on the claim. I identified unforeseen issues with the procedure, such as when I say "back of the head" and the volunteer says "neck", there are possibilities for receiving negative score although having correctly identified an ailment. Ambiguity Calculated correlation Automatic cold reading? Someone asked me whether I am disappointed in these results. My answer is no, I don't take research results personally. I am a chemistry student and even when a laboratory procedure fails (ie. didn't go according to planned procedure) or returns unexpected results (which is not a failure) you just try again, or value the results that you did achieve because that is what is leading toward the final goal of increased insight, and that is what research is all about. I do not favor one final outcome over another!
*It was the first time I had controls involved. Controls are participants who look at the volunteers at the same time I do and they also fill in a health questionnaire based on their impressions or guesses about the volunteer's health, and my answers and correlation can be compared with theirs to have at least some way of interpreting the data. I found that having controls present did not reduce my performance in any way.
*I found that I actually prefer to work with volunteers whom I have never met before rather than telling my closest friends what I sense about them, which had been the only way I had available to try to check for my accuracy before since I do not offer "psychic readings" or tell people in any other situations what I had perceived in them. I need to keep logical assumptions or prior knowledge about the person at a minimum to avoid logic and thoughts from interfering with the perceptions, since my thinking and my perceptions are two separate things and would lead to very different health perceptions.
*There will be a change made to my test protocol. Being from northern Europe I had not seen many black people and consequently not had many medical perceptions of black people, but from what I had experienced, their internal made very different medical perceptions and I had decided to ask that all volunteers in the actual test be Caucasian just in case less experience would affect my results. Some of the volunteers in the first study were black and not only did I confirm what differences I've even before perceived between black and Caucasian medical perceptions but I was able to find out that there is no difference in difficulty in forming perceptions from either. So black people can also be volunteers in the formal test.
*I was not affected by stress during the readings and I found that I felt that I was much more experienced thanks to just the three earlier readings with the local Skeptics and from what I had learned from those, and I found myself being less modest in my answers and doing my best not to let logic get in the way this time. So I've learned that practice and experience and identifying my shortcomings and learning how to work my way around them actually does improve my performance. And that was also one of the purposes of the study.
*The ambiguity in the questionnaires worked against me! When describing the same region, a volunteer could say neck and I would say back of the head! This ambiguity needs to be removed for the second study.
*The claim is not falsified, the study was not designed to be able to prove or falsify the claim. The study was designed to teach me more about the medical perceptions, and it has.
*More will be learned once I publish the study papers and present the results of the study.
After this first study, other questions I still needed to have answered by continuing with further studies The sequence of progress made within this first study After this first study I also tested out some testing conditions with friends, by setting up various testing conditions such as screens, or trying to have health perceptions while in the dark. This kind of testing did not require the participation of volunteers, and was able to go swiftly. I was able to say whether I could claim to sense kidneys under what conditions. This kind of work helped me determine the test conditions I could add to the testing protocol.
The study as a whole was later completed and now it is all tests from here until a final conclusion!
This first study was part of a longer study process which lasted for about a year, in which I arranged readings with skeptics and this one larger-scale study involving members of the public. I was conducting the study while working on the design of the test protocol for my IIG test. The study gathered more insight into the experience of health perceptions and aided in the design of a test protocol. The IIG test was held in November 21 2009, and its design built in part on what was learned in this study. /