About VFF
  Induced 1
  Induced 2
  First study
  Second study
  Results 1
  Results 2
  Results 3

Survey of the Claim

As part of the study, I had what I came to call a survey of the claim. What this meant was I simply went to a mall and looked at people and took notes on how the claim manifests and what I am observing and under what conditions. It was actually very helpful and gave me a chance to pay some attention to how the claim works and give it some thought. I call this a survey as opposed to a study simply because of the distinction that, in this survey, the accuracy of my perceptions was not established, whereas in a study the accuracy is established. The survey preceded the other parts of the study.

Survey at a mall
The objective was to watch people in a natural setting and to write down the health perceptions I have along with other details around the experience. Such as the type of perception, how it manifested, possible external clues that may have been available, conditions in the surroundings that may have facilitated or blocked the experience. To do a survey of this sort may produce a list of the types of health perceptions that I can claim to experience, how often they may occur, and under what circumstances. The survey may also shed light on how various external conditions affect the experience of the perceptions. Although the accuracy of the perceptions can not be obtained, several forms of valuable insight into the claim can be produced.

A survey is what I call the part of this investigation where I take the time to sit down and write down what I experience perceiving about the health of others and to take notes on the circumstances around those perceptions. This way I can take the time to pay attention to the experience and learn more about it. A survey does not include approaching the persons or any other means by which the accuracy of what I perceive could be established.

The idea came to me when JREF Forum members suggested to me that I simply go out into public places such as a mall to watch people and make note of what health perceptions I claim to experience. And, as Forum member Miss Kitt brilliantly pointed out, if I think that I have had good or perfect accuracy in the past, then it should be enough to state what I perceive and to base a test on that. So it would not be necessary to conduct the next step up in the investigation that I call the study in which the accuracy of my perceptions is established in preparation for the test. The claim should be enough.

January 3 2009 - I had a survey at a mall. I was worried about whether looking at people would bother them, but luckily my perceptions come about in a very quick and discrete way.

March 20 2009 - Due to popular demand, the actual notes I took are now posted here. Click on the document images they are links that take you to the pages, and then there click on the page again to magnify it.
Here is a typed version of my survey notes for those of you who can't read my handwriting, SurveyNotes Typed.

SurveyNotes1 of 7 SurveyNotes2 of 7 SurveyNotes3 of 7 SurveyNotes4 of 7

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This survey taught me this:
*The location of the test can of course not be in a drafty large mall entrance. Moving air flow blocks my vision of people.
*I would of course prefer volunteers who are standing still and not walking around.
*Cold air lowers my perception skills.
*The claim was not falsified.
